Happiness is a concept that has intrigued humans for centuries. Despite the numerous attempts to define and understand it, nobody really knows what happiness is or how to achieve it. This mystery has led to various interpretations across different fields and philosophies. Biologists say it's...
In the intricate dance of life, our mindset often serves as the unseen choreographer, subtly guiding our steps, influencing our decisions, and shaping our destinies. Understanding the distinction between a fixed and a growth mindset can illuminate our path, allowing us to navigate challenges with...
Why Do I Share?
Sometimes people ask me why I create these videos and write these posts. It's a good question because it made me think deeply about my motivations. The truth is that a few years ago, I decided that expressing who I am, without the fear of being exposed, was essential to my growth...
In our pursuit of success, especially in the realm of tennis, we often fall into the trap of believing that sheer hard work and an intense desire to achieve are enough to secure our goals. We think that because we have labored diligently and yearn deeply for victory, we inherently deserve to...
In the relentless pursuit of excellence, whether in sports, business, or personal development, we often focus on what we should do to improve. We plan strategies, set goals, and devise the most efficient ways to achieve them. However, an equally important question that often goes unasked is:...