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Effort Equals Better Learning: The Key to Effective Training

Dec 18, 2021

In the journey of mastering any skill, the approach we take towards training can make all the difference. This post explores the mindset necessary for making faster progress and applying what you learn when it matters most.

Defining Key Concepts

  • Effort: Exertion of physical and/or mental power.
  • Learning: Gaining knowledge or skill through study, instruction, or experience. This implies a consistent change in behavior towards an activity.

The Importance of Attention to Detail

Imagine starting your warm-up on a small court. By paying attention to the small details—getting sideways, controlling the ball, maintaining good contact, and progressively increasing your movement—you set the stage for effective training. This focused approach contrasts sharply with being unfocused and going through the motions on autopilot.

Effort: The Catalyst for Learning

Effort is the primary driver of learning. Without effort, learning becomes random and haphazard. Consistent, disciplined effort helps prevent distractions from disrupting your learning process. Distractions come in many forms, from visible interruptions to disguised emotional states like anger, which diverts your focus from what you are doing to what you wish you could do but are not achieving.

Handling Low Motivation

There will be days when motivation wanes. On such days, your commitment to effort must remain steadfast. Returning to your standard level of effort, even on low-motivation days, is crucial for continuous improvement. This habitual effort, developed through repetition, ensures steady progress.

Effort in Challenging Situations

Effort is especially vital in situations that do not come easily. When tasks are challenging, maintaining effort is more important than ever. The simplicity of the concept—effort leads to better learning—is clear, but execution is where many falter. Consistent effort, particularly in difficult situations, is the key to improvement.


Effort is the cornerstone of effective training and learning. By focusing on the right actions with consistent discipline, you minimize distractions and maximize learning. On days when motivation is low, maintaining your standard level of effort ensures continued progress. In challenging situations, effort becomes even more crucial, as it drives better learning and improvement. Embrace the simplicity of the equation: Effort equals better learning.

Key Takeaways

  1. Attention to Detail: Start with a focused approach, paying attention to small details.
  2. Consistent Effort: Make effort a consistent part of your training, regardless of motivation levels.
  3. Handling Distractions: Recognize and manage distractions, maintaining focus on your tasks.
  4. Effort in Challenges: Emphasize effort, particularly in challenging situations, to drive better learning.

By internalizing these principles, you can enhance your training effectiveness and achieve your goals more efficiently.

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