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Becoming a Complete Tennis Player: Integrating the Inner and Outer Game

coaching Dec 18, 2021


In the journey of tennis, the goal for every player is to evolve into the most complete athlete possible. This means not only mastering the technical and strategic aspects of the game but also harmonizing these with the mental and emotional resilience required for competition.

The Technically Sound Player

Being technically proficient in all areas of tennis is crucial. A well-rounded player should:

  • Have a strong foundation in strokes, footwork, and positioning.
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy that can adapt to various types of opponents.
  • Build the versatility to compete effectively against diverse playing styles.

The Inner Game: Mental and Emotional Resilience

While technical skills form the foundation, the inner game—mental and emotional strength—is what truly defines a player’s ability to compete. This involves:

  • Mental Toughness: The ability to stay focused, calm, and resilient under pressure.
  • Emotional Control: Managing emotions effectively to maintain optimal performance levels.
  • Judgment and Decision Making: Making sound decisions in the heat of competition, particularly when facing opponents of similar skill levels.

Learning to Compete in Different Situations

Players must be adept at competing in a variety of situations, including:

  • Defending Against Stronger Opponents: Holding their ground and learning from matches where they face superior players.
  • Attacking Weaker Opponents: Building confidence and refining offensive strategies when playing against weaker opponents.
  • Navigating Uncertainty: Developing the ability to make judicious decisions and adapt strategies when playing opponents of similar caliber.

The Role of Tournaments

A well-balanced tournament mix is essential for player development. This mix should:

  • Provide opportunities to play against equals, allowing players to experience both victories and defeats.
  • Facilitate growth by exposing players to different competitive scenarios.
  • Help players understand and manage the pressures of competition.

Dealing with Pressure and Tension

Competitive greatness is closely tied to a player’s ability to handle pressure. Key aspects include:

  • Performing Under Pressure: Bringing their best game when it counts the most, particularly against stronger opponents.
  • Courageous Mindset: Developing a mindset that embraces challenges and thrives under competitive stress.


The ultimate mission of a tennis coach striving for greatness, both for themselves and their students, is to foster a courageous competitive mindset. This involves:

  • Cultivating technical and strategic proficiency.
  • Nurturing mental and emotional resilience.
  • Providing diverse competitive experiences.
  • Encouraging a mindset that sees pressure as an opportunity rather than a threat.

By integrating the inner and outer game, players can truly become the most complete athletes possible, capable of achieving excellence on and off the court.

Key Takeaways

  • Integration of Inner and Outer Game: Balance technical skills with mental resilience.
  • Diverse Competitive Experiences: Ensure a mix of opponents to foster growth.
  • Handling Pressure: Develop a courageous mindset to thrive under competitive stress.
  • Coach’s Role: Guide players to embrace challenges and see pressure as an opportunity for greatness.

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